open a factory in the Philippines, Fujifilm expects 2 million lens

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 17 Juli 2013 0 komentar
Japanese camera company Fujifilm has opened a new factory operations in the Philippines. This new facility is responsible for the manufacture of optical lenses. 

The devices used in consumer and professional imaging devices, such as smartphones, surveillance cameras and projectors. We quote from Rappler, Wednesday (17/07/2013), this Japanese company invests P990 in facilities located in the lagoon in response to demand ever-increasing optical lens. 

Production process from start polishing, coating, and other processes in the optical lens assembly is done there. With 100 employees, the company expects to produce 2 million lenses in its first year. In 2015, this target was raised to 18 million units lenses boosted the number of workers to 600 people. 

From all of that, 30% will be exported to consumers the company is its 70% shipped to Japan and China. Fujifilm photographic film itself has been sold to the Philippines since 1974 through a network of distributors. Along with the drop in demand, the company had shifted focus to the business of optical devices and electronic imaging. 

There are a number of reasons why Fujifilm chose the Philippines as the location for the establishment of such facilities. Fujifilm Corp. President and COO Shigero Nakajima said the Philippines chosen because labor there knew who had good behavior. 

"The Philippines is a hard worker. Turnovernya rate is very low compared to other countries," said Shigero. "The government also provides tax incentives are good," he added.
Judul: open a factory in the Philippines, Fujifilm expects 2 million lens
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